
We offer learning through play-like activities to children from 12 months old. Language lessons can be informal yet effective. The younger the learner, the better they are at mimicking new sounds and adopting good pronunciation. The brain is open to new sounds and patterns in pre-adolescence. Before children become self- conscious they can try out their newly acquired languages without fear of embarrassment.
“There are incredible psychological benefits of learning another language. These benefits extend way beyond being able to order a cup of tea abroad. Longitudinal studies by Harvard University confirm that learning additional languages increases critical thinking skills, creativity and flexibility of the mind in young children.Pupils who learn a foreign language outscore their non-foreign language learning peers in verbal and maths standardised tests, indicating that learning an additional language is a cognitive activity not just a linguistic one. The brain, like any muscle, functions better with exercise. Learning a language involves memorising rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental muscle. “
Catherine Ford, Headteacher of Moreton First Prep School, Telegraph, 10 Oct, 2014.
At the age of three and four, our youngest pupils engage in game-like activities and within a short time become familiar with the language that now dominates the international business world.
We accept new students throughout the year and we assess each individual child in respect of the following:
• Ability to recognise Mandarin characters
• Listening and speaking skills
• Writing ability in dictation
Children between 5yr - 7yr old can enter Mandarin Bud I class at the suitable level.
Children between 8yr + can enter Mandarin Bud II class at the suitable level.
Each academic year we open a new class for total beginners for each age group. Should your child miss this year’s intake, if there is no suitable class for him/her to join in, we welcome you to register your child on the waiting list for the next academic year. Alternatively, we are happy to discuss with you the possibility of arranging private tuition classes to allow your child to catch up with a specific class in the same academic year.
Yes, please email school office at indicating ‘Book a trial class’ in the subject line, and providing student name, age, class you wish to try, date & time, contact email, and contact telephone number. The trial session is free and no charge only once per child at any level.
We believe the best way of learning a new language is to be fully immersed in that language as much as possible. We require our teachers to use Mandarin as the main language in teaching. Children learn faster this way. However, they will always give English explanations to children who struggle.
Please see the Courses information page for details.
Yes. Please see the Courses information page for details.
Please contact the school office for further information at, please click on the Courses information page for further details
No. We only teach Mandarin Chinese in simplified characters.
Yes. Please email One of our office staff will get back to you with more details.
All students are required to complete a registration form online which will be filled in after payment for the course has been completed.
Browse our available courses here
Should your chosen course be already fully booked, you will be advised about any alternative course that may be suitable or get a full refund. Alternatively you can either choose to be placed on a waiting list or arrange one-to-one tuition. Please note that one-to-one tuition is subject to higher rates than standard classes.
You are welcome to book a trial class at any time during the term. It is a good opportunity for you to meet the teacher and other students on the course. This will help you to decide if you are happy to start the course at that point or wait for the next available class to start.
Please see the school Terms & Conditions.